2024 FRU Annual General Meeting

September 8, 2024
Call to Order: 10:06am

Roll Call: Daytona Beach , Florida International University Women, Lakeland Lancers, SWFL Hammerheads, Palm Beach, University of North Florida Men, Bay Area Pelicans, Boca Raton , Brevard Old Red Eye, Central Florida Claymores, Eckerd College Men, Eckerd College Women, Embry Riddle Men, Florida International University Men, Florida Rugby Referee Association, Florida State Men, Florida State Women, Fort Lauderdale , Gainesville, Jacksonville Men, Jacksonville Women, Miami, Millennia Atlantic University, Orlando Women, Saint Thomas University Men, Saint Thomas University Women, Sarasota , South Florida, Tallahassee , Tampa Bay Krewe Men, Tampa Bay Krewe Women, Treasure Coast Men, Treasure Coast Women, Trident, University of Central Florida Women, University of Florida Men, University of Miami Men, University of South Florida Men

Presidents Report

This past year we have had the most national champions (Krewe Women and Miami Tridents), most varsity players, more Instagram followers

Treasurer Report

Checking 10,249.95, savings 75,459.13 cents

The college womens going to NCR will impact next years budget.

Budget Report

Patrick Murphy reported on the proposed budget. The board wanted to be more fiscally responsible this year. 

Motion to discuss the budget by UM Men, 2nd by Brevard.
Discussion was had about different line items in the budget.
UM Men motioned to  close discussion, Jax women 2nd. Discussion closed. 

Applications for Membership

Embery Riddle
UCF Nominated, Orlando 2nd

Discussion on Embery Riddle
Embery Riddle split from Daytona and is starting their own club.
Jen F asked if there was a field, ER does have a field
They have control of their budget, how are they funding– capital expenditures, fundraising,
Kerri–how many club officers, what are the plan for elections, 

ER-6 club officers, AGM at end of school year, they have set of bylaws
Certified coach will soon be completed.
30 members
First game–Eckerd September 21, 2024
All in favor. Embry Riddle accepted into probationary membership. 

Treasure Coast Women Armada
Jax Women nominated, Orlando Women 2nd
TCW presented
Board setup, right now umbrellaed under Treasure Coast Men.
22 women, permanent posts setup.
All in favor. Treasurer Coast Women Armada accepted into probationary membership.

Florida Impact Network requested membership status. The board explained that as a 7s team there are certain parameters they must meet. FIN understood and withdrew application for membership.

Election of Union officers

The following people have been nominated for President: Kerri O’Malley, nominated by Tallahassee, 2nd by Palm Beach
All in favor. Tridents abstain. 

The following people have been nominated for Treasurer: Patrick Murphy, nominated by Jacksonville Men, 2nd Jacksonville women
All in favor.

The following people have been nominated for Men’s VP: Mike Williams, nominated by FSU Women, 2nd Tridents.
All in favor.

New Business

Proposed bylaw amendments

Amendment 1-motion to accept by FSU Women. 2nd by FSU Men. Amendment passes all in favor.
Amendment 2-no motion. Failed.
Amendment 3-motion to accept by FSU Women. 2nd by FSU Men. Amendment passes all in favor.
Amendment 4-motion to accept by Jax Women. Orlando 2nd. Amendment passes all in favor.
Amendment 5-no motion. Failed.
Amendment 6-motion to accept by Miami, FSU Women 2nd. Amendment passes all in favor.
Amendment 7-no motion. Failed.
Amendment 8-no motion. Failed.
Amendment 9-no motion. Failed.
Amendment 10-no motion. Failed.
Amendment 11- no motion. Failed. 

Florida Referees Association
Event and tournament sanctioning. This is on the website and will need to be filled out. Event and tournament has to be sanctioned by USAR and Roy cannot give refs to anything not sanctioned. 

If as a club you are hosting an out of state or international team it needs to be preapproved. We need to ensure they are in good standing with their union in order to provide referees. 

Motion to adjourn by Miami Tridents, Jax women 2nd 

End meeting 1208pm